Wednesday, August 12, 2015


PASconcept is a web application that covers all the administration process of one or more projects, mainly for architecture and engineering (A/E) companies at the design phase.

First, it is important to consider the way most companies currently manage their projects and how this affects time consumption, organization, clients and budgets control.

For instance, the administration flow during a specific project phase, for a company that is currently developing its administrative management using different programs or software, generates dispersed documentation and questionable safety.

Various tools and methods must be used in order to manage a business efficiently. Because many programs are required in order to perform many functions, disorganization is often a problem.

Why are projects managed this way?

The programs that could help an A/E company are not specifically designed for them and they not cover the administrative process of an entire project. That is why every company has developed its own way to manage the company.

Precisely the need to fully cover the project administration process, is why the idea to develop PASconcept originated. A new concept to provide a comprehensive project management service was the result.

The PASconcept team, composed of engineers, architects, programmers and designers has, since 2007, developed and refined Project Management Services (PAS), and has built many tools to help in the administrative processes, within a single program. PASconcept resulted essential in the companies where it has been implemented.

Administrative Project Management

An administrator interacts with clients, subconsultants and employees in the phase prior to project star. Proposals are submitted to clients, requests are made to subconsultants and communication remains constant with employees.

Jobs, contacts, payment schedules, proposals and budgets, are all managed within a single place. PASconcept offers hundreds of benefits and makes managing a company simple.

Proposals/Use & Occupancy Classification

Use & Occupation classification is divided into working groups, as shown in the following table:

Clients/Client Type List

PASconcept allows you to classify clients in terms of occupation, for easy identification of and differentiation of clients that may have similar names. They can be separated by Type and Sub-type. Specifying the client's occupation quickly shows what services they may need.

Departments/Department List

Includes the departments that exist within the company.

Click "Add New/Edit/Delete" departments by Name, Description, and whether or not it is "Productive."

Edit: allows you to make changes

Name: name of departments (ie: Civil Eng., Clerical, Construction Admin, President, etc.)
Description: details about the department, such as Civil Engineering-Project Manager
Productive: check if the department entails part of the actual production and income of the company
Delete: deletes the entire department from the list

PASconcept trademark

2009-2015 PASconcept, including its logo, is a registered trademark.
PASconcept is a registered trademark owned by Axzes, LLC.
All rights reserved.

The information presented in this document is subject to change without prior notice. Axzes reserves the right to modify without notice the present application and all texts and documents related thereof. The screens shown in this manual are approximate and may not fully the appearance shown on your monitor.

Decompilation, disassembly or modification of the files included in this package are strictly prohibited. The information in this manual belongs entirely to Axzes, LLC. Any reproduction or copying, either total or partial, of this manual in any way is prohibited, without prior written permission of Axzes, LLC.

All trademarks and logos mentioned in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.

Axzes LLC. © 2015 Copyright. All rights reserved.

Clients/Client List

The client list has a filter panel for search and selection.

It displays the following information:

Name & Company: client’s full name, code and name of the company
Client Type: client type depends on their occupation (Engineer, Contractor, Architect, etc.)
Address: client’s address and a link to Google Maps

A click on the address

automatically opens Google Maps.

Email & Web: client’s email address and web page.
Login Details: used to send the client their PASconcept credentials

Client Status: whether their active, inactive, potential or prospective client

Delete: deletes the client and the user, deleting is irreversible

Edit: clicking on the "Client Code" enables you to edit the client information

The tabs "Client Details," "History," "Client Scheduler" and "Appointment History Log" are shown when editing.

The "Client Details" tab shows all the fields grouped by "Client Information," "Billing Contact" and "Notification".

The "Notification" fields allows administrators to configure if and how the client receives notifications issued by PASconcept. Each client can configure these parameters in their own profile as well.

The "Update" button confirms the changes. The "Cancel" button aborts the changes.
The "History" tab shows all the jobs and proposals existing under that client.

The "Client Schedule" tab shows the schedules planned with the client.

The “Appointments” tab shows, in a table, a history of appointments made with the client.

Proposal/Payment Schedules List

This page allows you to:

- Add New Schedule: allows you to add a new row to the schedule
- Print Page: shifts to the view for printing the Payment Schedule List
- Edit: activates edit mode to allow editing
- Delete: deletes the row

Each column on the table displays the following information:

- Schedule Name: descriptive texts separated by commas
- Values List: list of percentages of the total amount of the service in order of how they should be paid
- Descriptions List: this includes detailed payment descriptions and values, based on the two previous columns (ie.: 100%, 100, 100% contract amount due at submittal)

Departments/Monthly Budget

"Initialize Budgets" calculates the budget for the current year, based on what was executed the previous year.

The is a filter by year (Year) to make finding budgets by year easier.
Increase: allows you to increase the monthly budget of the department compared to the previous year by a percentage
Initialize Budgets: initializes monthly budgets for departments, depending on the preceding year and considering any increase that was be added


For each month of the selected year, the budget, what was executed, balance and accumulated balance is listed.

This page allows you to filter by year (Year), print the page and export to Excel.

Budget : estimated budget for the month
Executed : what was executed in the month 
Balance : the difference between the budget and implemented
Accumulated : balance going pending at the end of each month


New view of the dashboard graphics. The dashboard provides visual representation of current data, instantly.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Employee/Time by Periods

In this page PASconcept provides a table with the employee time information:

-Filters (by periods, by months, by years)
-Total work hours classified by type
-Production: number of jobs over time
-Administrative: administration, accounting, marketing
-Benefits: sick, vacation, holiday and personal time

By periods:

By month:

By year:

Others/My Account

PASconcept includes the customization of profiles.
Upload Photo: to add an image of the profile user

Pre-defined filters for job list page: employees may customize their job list page by selecting the filters (year, month, employee and department filters)

Pre-defined filters for proposal list page: customizes the Proposal List Page (year, month, and department filters)

Update: click to save your changes

Others/Import data

Data import options from files in other formats, separated by commas can be used when data in other files and formats need to be imported into PASconcept.

Others/Time Categories List

This is a list of categories of jobs done for the times worked by employees.

Departments/Organization Chart

Department Structure: a diagram with the company structure divided by departments

Flowchart of the company.: the "Private/Public" button hides or shows production information for each department

The "Vertical/Horizontal" button organizes the chart in one direction or another.

Private/Public: shows/hides information in the diagram

Analytics/Jobs Report

The "Jobs Report" presents a list of reports for this year and every month to date, with the job number information.

Employee/Time Sheet

The hours recorded in the time sheet by individual employees can be observed in a table. The hours per day can be seen as well as the total for the week at the end. It also shows what project the hours were allocated to.


Billing/Client Accounts Report

A filter by year with the report of client’s accounts is available. The report table shows the account reports for each client and are composed of:

-Total budget
-Total amount collected
-Total amount pending
-Client name

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cloud Management

PASconcept has cloud functionality, used as an integrative tool for all aspects of a project. PASconcept is a management system that integrates different administrative tools into a single program. Information, data and files are uploaded onto the cloud system, available to administrators, employees, clients and sub-contractors for use. There is no need to use separate programs, tools or software to manage a single project. PASconcept provides integration of all these tools for simple and professional management.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Clients/Export Client List

This page allows the exportation of client contacts

Analytics/Top Ten Chart

The Analytics Top Ten page shows four graphs: 

1. Clients top10
2. Clients pending top10
3. Employee time top10
4. Subconsultant top10 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Using PASconcept: step by step

1. Admin site login: an administrative user enters the application using his/her username and password

2. Create/select client: creates a new client or edit an existing one

3. Create proposal/emit to client: creates and classifies a new proposal associated with the client

The proposal is reviewed and submitted to the client, who will receive an email with the information on the proposal, the task and services associated, the price, the payment schedule, terms and conditions and signature of the person in charge of the proposal.

4. Client site login: upon receiving an email from an administrator, the client clicks the link to login or enters the profile using his/her username and password

5. Accept or decline: this link takes the user to the accept or decline proposal form, which contains all the information, tasks, fees, payment schedule and terms and conditions

6. Decline: if the client does not agree with any of the terms of the proposal, he/she can select the "Decline" button which will notify the administrator and cancel the project cycle

7. Sign & accept: if the client agrees with the conditions set, he/she can click the accept button, which opens a “Digital Sign” window where they can sign electronically

8. Create/edit job: creating a job can be done directly from the "New Job" option

Job editing allows you to:
- Complete all data
- Issue invoices according to the payment schedule defined in invoice(s)
- Record the collections of these invoice payment(s)
- Record payments to subconsultants for RFPs associated with the job
- Link files that were previously "Uploaded"
- Manage invoices
- Generate invoice(s) schedules
- Record the amount charged and payments made

9. Create/select subconsultant: once the proposals approved the job has been created, it is sometimes necessary to subcontract external work/services

10. Create Requests for Proposal (RFP): if necessary for the project, you can create one or more RFPs by discipline and send them to the subconsultants

11. Subconsultant site login: upon receiving an email from the administrator, the subconsultant can access his/her PASconcept profile by either clicking on the link in the message or by using their username and password

12. Complete RFP/respond to RFP: this link takes the subconsultant to the RFP editing form where he/she can view and complete the task/services requested by the administrator and confirm the payments schedule

13. Decline RFP: if the administrator does not agree with the terms of the RFP, he/she can decline it and the subconsultant will receive a notification that the RFP has been declined

14. Set RFP: if the administrator agrees with the conditions set, he/she clicks "Accept" so the subconsultant receives a notification of acceptance and the RFP is assigned to the corresponding job

15. Create/assign employee: the administrator, during the job editing process, assigns it to an employee, who receives an email notification of the new assignment

16. Employee site login: employees, upon receiving the email, accesses their profiles using the assigned usernames and their personal password

17. Insert job time: once in his/her profile, the employee records the time worked (in hours) on a psecified job that has been assigned

18. Issue and collect associated invoices

19. Create/send a transmittal letter: the administrator creates the transmittal letter associated to the job, when it is at the delivery stage and all invoices have been collected which will result in a notification being sent to the client that the work is complete

20. Receive/sign a transmittal letter: the client receives a notification that he/she may pick-up the work associated with the completed job (drawings, certifications, etc.) and he/she may sign from either their PASconcept profile or in person during pick-up

Departments/Monthly Chart

Monthly (Budget vs. Executed) balance by departments are available for reviewing.

A graph shows the monthly balance of the company, depending on budget, executed, balance and accumulated.

Department budget by month : estimated budget for the month
Executed by month: what was executed through the entire month
Balance by month: the difference between the budget and implemented
Accumulated balance: balance pending at the end of each month

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Analytics/Client Balance Report

An informative table with an account report for every client, with a filter by year.


Available filters: Year, Group, and Report Name
Group filter: allows you to search reports based on clients, company, employee, and jobs
Report Name: available report types are client balance, client statistics, client by status (%), clients by types (%), new clients by year, and pending.

The resulting table reveals appropriate information based on the type of group and report name selected.

Example 1:
Year: 2015 
Group: Clients  
Report Name: Client Balance

Example 2: 
Year: 2015
Group: Company   
Report Name: Proposals/Jobs

Analytics/Chart by Year

The reporting table displays all the data represented in in the graph (year, number of jobs, budget, collected, and cost) by year.

Analytics/Chart by Month

The graph shows the results for each month, with a filter by year.

This table, shows the total values per month (budget, collected, and cost):

Monday, April 20, 2015

Proposals/New Proposal

To create a new proposal, the name, proposal template, sector, use & occupancy, and department must be specified. The remaining data can be confirmed during editing.

Jobs/Transmittal Package Types List

The following table displays the different types of packages specified in the transmittal letter.

User Profiles

PASconcept has different user profiles for employees, clients, subconsultants and administrators. Each profile displays different information and provides different options, depending on the individual.

The defined profiles are all available in the Free, Grow and Prosper versions:

1. Administrator Profile 
2. Employee Profile
3. Client Profile
4. Subconsultant Profile
5. Shared Profile


Emails and messages can be exchanged among different users. PASconcept sends notifications to users of the same or different profiles, by the completion of a particular phase.

Users can configure which of the implicit notifications they wish to receive.
Many of the notifications can be configured by the administrator user in the "Messages Templates" option, as a means to customize the content of the messages sent.

Message Subject
Proposal xxx Emitted
Admin User
Client User
Email + File
RFP xxx Emitted
Admin User
Client User
Email + File
Invoice xxx Emitted
Admin User
Client User
Email + File
Invoice Ready to Bill
Employee User
Client User
Insert New Appointment
Employee User
Email + File
You have Accepted Proposal xxx
Client/Admin User
You have Declined Proposal xxx
Client/Admin User
Your RFP xxx have been Declined
Subconsultant User
Your RFP xxx have been Accepted
Subconsultant User
Invoice HR xxx Emitted
Admin User
Client User
Email + File
Statement xxx Emitted
Admin User
Client User
Email + File
Master Credentials
Admin User
Master User
Employee Credentials
Admin User
Employee User
Clients Credentials
Admin User
Client User
Subconsultant Credentials
Admin User
Subconsultant User
Employee Assigned Job
Admin User
Employee User
%Budget (Job Profit) used information
Admin User

PASconcept User Login

To work with PASconcept, a user must log in with an email and a password.

Ways to access the PASconcept app

1. Administrators receive his/her credentials during the registration process via email
2. The employees, clients and subconsultants receive an email from PASconcept with an invitation and information about his/her credentials
3. Clients and subconsultant receive an email to complete or accept information and a link leading to the login page
4. In the main page, click on the yellow button "Login"

Change My Password

The initial password is automatically generated by PASconcept, but users can change it in Others/Account Options. A valid password must meet the following requirements:

- Minimum 6 (six) characters required
- Minimum 1 (one) nonalphanumeric character required

I forgot my password

If you forget your password, click "Forgot your password?" to recover it. Then a series of steps must be completed.

Step 1.
Your email and a code must be entered and the "Recover PASconcept Account" button must be clicked.

Step 2. 
PASconcept informs whether the entries are correct, and that you will receive an email with the corresponding account information.

Password change is completed by clicking on the link to the PASconcept password reset page.